About me
I am originally from Lanxi,
Zhejiang Province, China, where the city flower is orchid & the city tree is camphor. The city is famous for
Lanxi Underground River,
Zhuge Village,
Lanxi Rural Marathon,
bayberry, subing (a crisp cake with meigan cai and pork inside). It is the place where I have all childhood memory and adolescent experience.
I like discovering science, exploring nature and exchanging culture. Also I am a crazy fan of many kinds of sports e.g. ball games, mountains climbing, swimming, cycling, wild running.
Since my research is related to the sea, I really enjoy the time spending in the vessel when we do marine investigations. Besides, I have some popular hobbies such as reading books,
enjoying the pop music and classic one.
In April 2023, I started my PhD after 13 months of work. I believe an experience of work can motivate
me to work smarter, work empirically, work practically. In my perspective, connecting the theoritical
knowledge with realistic society & industry is always the pursuit of research although I am not a utilitarianism follower.
Additionally, I participated in a SDGs-promotion campaign
to call for the recycle of wasted lithium battery of electronics. Unfortunately, this idea was suspended at conceptual stage. Also, scientific outreach is one of my
interests and at the first time I engaged it (Youngsters' Science Festival 2024) in Science Museum in Tokyo with senior and young-career oceanographers, showcasing the water sinking induced by high salinity and low temperature,
an experimental exihibition of physical oceanography.
About my research
I am currently PhD 1st year student of Fisheries Environmental Oceanography Section,
the Graduate School of Agriculture and Life Science, the University of Tokyo. Meantime,
I am co-affiliated to Department of Living Marine Resources, Atmosphere and Ocean Research Institute (AORI), The University of Tokyo.
My doctor research is about estimating the distribution and transport of microplastics in the past 75 years of the North Pacific Ocean.
I am passionate to study the microplastics pollution that is the anthropogenic consequence due to the mismanagement of plastic waste and impatience of consumming.
We live in a world that cannot be dissociated from plastics materials and meantime, both terrestrial and marine environmental have been
broadly as well as inhomogeneously polluted. Moreover, this situation will continue to deteriorate if human being cannot alter their living ways and thinking ways.
In my opinion, decarbonazation is never equivalent to lower living quality. There must be ways to address this problem.
In my research, most experimental apparatuses are made of quartz glass or stainless steel to output best and least-contaminated results. I wish that my study can further
help to understand the behavior of microplastics and quantify the microplastics pollution not only in the surface but also in the water column and sediments.
The teleology of my research is to improve the consciousness of protecting the ocean environment and to provide the latest knowledge and advanced insights of ocean to the public.
A research abstract can be seen here. Research Interests including but not limited to:
Microplastics | Plastic pollution | Marine environment issues | Marine science | Numerical simulation.
Involved projects
- Elucidation of collection characteristics of Neuston nets toward standardization of marine microplastic sampling. Link
My role (2019~2021): developing the double Neuston net and testing the function in both inner bay and open ocean
- UTokyo-Nippon Foundation FSI Marine Litter Solution Project. Link
My role (2023~2025): related to theme 1 of Act 1, doing data analysis of particle tracking model and learning the basic of it
- Elucidation of the process of marine microplastics fragmentation and removal from the surface water based on long-term time-series sample analysis. Link
My role (2023~2025): analyzing the particle tracking model data that reproduces 65 years distribution and transport of microplastics
- 2015~2019: Major of Marine technology, School of Marine Science, Shanghai Ocean University
Obtaining B.S. in June 2019
Dissertation: Comparison of particle size distribution of three sampling methods (Bucket, Neuston Net, Pump)
- 2019~2021: Lab of Environment Measurement, Department of Marine Resources and Environment, Gradual School of Marine Science and Technology
Obtaining M.S. in September 2021
Supervisor: Prof. Hisayuki Arakawa
Dissertation: The study of sampling method and analysis method of small microplastics (<350 μm).
- 2023~2026: Department of Aquatic Bioscience, Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Science, The University of Tokyo
Supervisor: Prof. Shin-ichi Ito
The international and domestic conferences/symposiums that I presented
- Joint Seminar of Microplastics Research in Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology, Development of sampling and processing of small microplastics (<350mum). Online, Oral, December 23, 2020.
- JpGU 2021, ニューストンネットによる海表面の微細マイクロプラスチックの採取の試み. Section: M-IS20-11, Online, Oral, June 5, 2021.
- The Fall Meeting of The Oceanographic Society of Japan, 微細画分マイクロプラスチックを想定した海洋シミュレーションモデルの構築. Poster, Kyoto, September 25, 2023.
- The Fall Meeting of JOS, 海底堆積物中のマイクロプラスチック分布に関する数値実験. Section: Geoscience of marine plastics, Oral, Kyoto, September 27, 2023.
- The First Research Exchange Meeting of the WINGS for Sustainable Agriculture Education Program, The numerical simulation of microplastics distribution in sediment in the North Pacific Ocean. Oral, Yayoi Campus, Tokyo, Spetember 28, 2023.
- JOS Wakate Mushashugyo Program, Modelling approaches to investigate historical 65 years distribution of microplastics in the North Pacific. Oral, Kyushu University, Kasuka, January 9, 2024. Report is available.
- The Second Research Exchange Meeting of the WINGS for Sustainable Agriculture Education Program, Evaluating the actual sinking speed and transport mechanism based on particle-tracking model and sediment microplastics sample. Oral, Yayoi Campus, Tokyo, February 13, 2024.
- Ocean Science Meeting 2024, Evaluating the actual sinking speed and transport mechanism based on particle-tracking model and sediment microplastics sample (20~5000mum). Index: CE42A-02, Oral, New Orleans, Louisiana, February 22, 2024.
- JpGU 2024, 北太平洋におけるマイクロプラスチック表層除去速度の見積もり. Section: MIS09-02, Makuhari Messe, Chiba, Oral, May 27, 2024.
- The Fall Meeting of JOS, 粒子追跡モデルのマイクロプラスチック濃度の検証. Section: Geoscience of marine plastics, Poster, Tokyo, September 18, 2024.
- PICES 2024, Estimating the biological removal timescale of microplastics in the North Pacific. Session 9, Oral, Honolulu, Hawaii, October 30, 2024.
The publications
- Yehao Wang, Haruka Nakano, Haodong Xu, Hisayuki Arakawa, Contamination of seabed sediments in Tokyo Bay by small microplastics particles. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, Elsevier, 261(2021)107552.
- Haodong Xu, Hisayuki Arakawa, Determination of appropriate particle quantity on a filter for small microplastics analysis by microscopy. Methodx 9, Elsevier, (2022)101646.
- Haodong Xu, Haruka Nakano, Tadashi Tokai, Tadashi Miyazaki, Hiroaki Hamada, Contamination of sea surface water offshore the Tokai region and Tokyo Bay in Japan by small microplastics. Marine Pollution Bulletin, Elsevier, 185(2022)114245.
- Murat Celik, Yang Zijiang, Haodong Xu, Haruka Nakano, Atsuhiko Isobe, Hisayuki Arakawa, Carbonyl index of miniaturized microplastics at the sea surface. Marine Pollution Bulletin, Elsevier, 211(2025)117376.
- Haodong Xu, Yoshimasa Matsumura, Rei Yamashita, Hideyuki Nakano, Shin-ichi Ito, Heterogeneous seafloor deposition of heavy microplastics in the North Pacific estimated over 65 years. Marine Pollution Bulletin, Elsevier, 2025.
Work experience
- Oct. 2021-Jul. 2022 Reserved Director of Product Division, Zhoushan Oceanthink Marine Science and Technology Co., LTD.
The major work covers quality assurance, software function designing, user manual compilation of marine observation devices
- Aug. 2022-Nov. 2022 Project Personnel, Department of Offshore Technology Development, Qingdao NCS Testing and Corrosion Protection Co., LTD.
The primary work I have done there includes bidding document composition, procurement, on-site inspection of anti-corrosion products applying on offshore platforms.
Contact info
+81 090 7466 9793
Kashiwanoha 5-1-5
Kashiwa, Chiba, Japan